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Lynnclaire Dennis’ Near-Death Experience

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1. About Lynnclaire Dennis

Near-death testimonies often include an encounter with a heavenly “Light.” But to my knowledge, no experiencer other than Lynnclaire Dennis (www.mereon.org) has ever brought back a detailed scientific description of the Light’s complex geometric structure and movement. In her 1997 book entitled The Pattern, Lynnclaire first described in detail her amazing NDE and description of this Light. Many years have passed since I first learned of her profound NDE and it remains one of the most transcendental and amazing NDEs I have ever come across. Her NDE testimony has graced the “Exceptional NDEs” section of my website from its very beginning. We continued to stay in touch over the years and I continued to follow her work hoping what she brought back from her NDE would develop into the scientific discovery we now know it is – the very science of life and living.

Lynnclaire Dennis

The PatternFrom the very beginning, despite her religious upbringing, Lynnclaire courageously refused to give this Pattern of Light the ambiguous label of “God”. She prefers to simply call it “The Pattern” and she describes it as an all-connecting pattern of Light – a three-dimensional mandala representative of time and space, and the energy generating matter. Because she experienced The Pattern as pure Love, she has always maintained it to be the reason why Love is all that matters. In simple terms, The Pattern is a knot; but not just any knot. The Pattern is the simplest knot (a Trefoil Knot) and yet most profound knot – a never-before-discovered trefoil knot. The Pattern became of great interest to mathematicians, physicists, astrobiologists, and molecular geneticists who developed from it the “Mereon Matrix” – an algorithm representing the unification of knowledge which relies on whole systems both living and life-like. It is a scientific framework charting the sequential, emergent growth process of systems. Read more about this in the article entitled The Science of Life Discovered From Lynnclaire Dennis’ Near-Death Experience and be sure to check out Lynnclaire’s Blog. What follows are excerpts of her NDE and an analysis by permission from her book, The Pattern.

2. Lynnclaire Dennis’ Initial Near-Death Experience

“I recall precisely the moment that I broke the bonds of this inimical world and was immersed in the warmth of the light. Suddenly I was safe, warm, and basking in the luminous sunlight high in the luminous sunlight high in the alpine meadows of Mt. Rainier. I was no longer over the Alps – I was in Washington State. Somehow this made perfect sense.

“Here, in a place filled with vivid and joyous childhood memories, I took extraordinary comfort in the firmness of the ground beneath my feet. With gratitude and wonder, I wandered through the valley, suffused with a certain knowing that I had crossed a cosmic frontier. Was this heaven, or was it perhaps some place beyond that celestial other-world I’d always hoped to be good enough to enter? All I knew – and knew for certain – was that time and space were nothing more than attenuated wisps of human invention. Both were webs of light created in my consciousness.

“As my being expanded I saw the cords of years that bound me to the planet. The bond, which was braided from strands of days, bands of months, and ribbons of years, fashioned a nexus between then and now. No doubt this was the mountain of my childhood, but it was essentially different. It was real, yet it was out of sync with the abstraction of linear time. As I stood there I realized that if time was all here now, then it could not be a straight line. This could only mean that there could be no such thing as a beginning, a middle, or an end. Furthermore, it was here that I determined that I was out of time as well, even though I had a corporal existence.

“Never before had I considered that there might be such things as coexistent realities. Never had I imagined that there might be concurrent realms. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought there might be a way to remember and feel different times and events as if they were happening right now. I realized that in life, death is merely the other side of a threshold over which I could not ‘normally’ see. So, too, in death, life and the land of the ‘living’ were on the other side of a very thin veil.

“It struck me that perhaps neither heaven nor Earth is as black or white as I had heretofore believed.

“It was then that I looked down at my body and with amazement wondered, “Where did this gown come from?” I was no longer bound in heavy, restricting layers of winter wool, but was wearing an exquisite white gown that appeared to be fashioned of a fabric some master designer had created by splashing star dust on filigree spider webs. I watched as it seemed to float above my skin. It was as if a million tiny wings kept it from putting even the weight of a feather on my body. A sense of lightness permeated my being to what I thought must be a cellular – indeed a ‘soulular’ – level.

“And then I heard the MUSIC. It was a tone so sublimely perfect that remembering it still brings me to tears. I knew then, and know now, that I was hearing the symphony of angels, the song of the universe, what some have called the ‘Music of the Spheres‘. All thoughts melted in its melody and everything else ceased to be of any importance. I closed my eyes and began to dance, moving to the resonant vibration that coursed through my essence. The melody seemed to issue from a single point and was composed of one verse, a song whose mystical tone my entire being knew and sang. I bathed in its melody as utter joy filled my being, and as the sound washed over my spirit, I felt all confusion purged from my consciousness.

“Standing beneath this euphonious canopy of grace, I knew love was being awakened at the depths of my soul. Moving with this aria of elegant mercy, I began my return to the dawn of totality as a growing sense of Oneness swelled within my heart, mind, and soul.”

3. Meeting Her Deceased Grandmother

“Unspeakable joy filled my heart when I saw my paternal grandmother walking down the mountain. She approached me and enveloped me with open arms. The last time I had seen her was the summer of 1963.

“For more than twenty years I carried an inconsolable grief in my heart because I never got to say good-bye.

“Now we were together again in a magical place where time held no meaning. As we talked of love, I realized that it alone was real. We walked hand in hand in a vacuum beyond the boundary we call time. My grief disappeared as our love was redeemed from what I had believed to be oblivion. We walked in a sacred space where earthly memory pictures were hung without physical frames. We traversed a realm that for many in the here and now defies logical explanation or reason. Yet, I know that it is a realm that is exceedingly real. It is a space where grace knows no bounds and only infinite love abounds. We only have to remember to make it ‘real.’

“In luxuriant warmth we moved on, drawn higher into the valley, moving toward the Source of the light. I made a single turn, and the meadow suddenly became an amphitheater. On a stage that seemed to be suspended in front of me, I witnessed, with my grandmother, what seemed to be an encore performance of my life.

“Ninety degrees to my right was what I perceived to be a doorway, just within the range of my peripheral vision. It was from this doorway that every character who had played in my life’s drama emerged. In turn they walked to center stage, where they faced me. As they greeted me, I inexplicably seemed to understand the highest purpose of our earthly connection. It was love. I saw each person for who he or she was apart from the descriptions I had previously used to define each of them. As they taught me love, I realized what an important role we play in the development of one another’s personality. I saw how judgment, blame, and shame distort or destroy one’s sense of self. For the first time I saw the depth of the impression we make on one another’s lives.

“I was greeted by acquaintances, friends, my grandparents, my father’s best friend, as well as a school chum from seventh grade.”

4. Meeting Her Miscarried Son and Having a Life Review

“One of them most wondrous encounters came when my maternal grandmother approached me carrying a baby. I knew this child was the son I had miscarried in the seventh month of a difficult pregnancy in 1977. Seeing him brought a new peace to my soul as I finally realized that this child of my heart had fulfilled his purpose to absolute perfection. Both then and now, in what was truly a magical moment, his tiny presence awakened a new measure of life within my being. It was only upon this sacred mountain that finally my highest self was endowed with the peace required to end my grief and grant this innocent infant his wings.

I soon realized that time is not linear, but rather composed of life’s lessons, all of which I had passed through. This panorama flowed over me like a river of living water. As my previously shallow awareness of love and life deepened, I knew that nothing in my life or my death was an accident.

“After each person shared his or her message, the meaning of love, each one turned and exited through another door located to the left of the stage. I knew without a doubt that I would soon walk through that door and join them on the other side.

“The last person to walk on the stage of my life was a man unknown to me. As he walked to the center of the stage and turned to face me, I noticed that my vision was no longer clear. Although I was certain this was not someone I knew, I could feel him at the depths of my soul. He began to speak, communicating directly to my heart. The message he shared that day was engraved on both my mind and my soul:

‘Lynnclaire, you will be a catalyst for change, for love. You will bring forth, hold, and honor remembrance. You will bring to conscious awareness the realms, realities, and remnants in order that the spirit may remember the dance.’

“I knew this was Truth. I also knew that I had never felt so remembered, recognized, understood, or loved. Yet, when he turned to leave, instead of following the others and walking off the stage through the door to my left, he turned toward the right. As I watched him return through the doorway from which he had entered, I clearly recall thinking this was important.

“Since that day I’ve identified him as the presence. Suddenly, the stage was gone and I was once again out of time. I was a witness, observing myself as a child … I watched as my innocent child-self … began to dance across the meadows.

“Then, as I contemplated this celebration of life, I saw that in a single turn in my-her waltz, I-she was no longer a child, but a thirty-five year old woman dancing alone in the Hofburg Palace … I was once more in my magical gown, moving alone in harmony with the MUSIC. In that moment I chose to merge with that self and began to dance. Each step drew me closer to the light.

“Then, in a sacred place somewhere before the light, I found myself being held, gently rocked, nurtured, and embraced in the arms of the one I believed to be the presence. Whether this was a guide, a guardian, a human man who has the ability to walk between the worlds, or even an angel, it does not matter. For still today this memory is alive. The presence vibrates within my senses and daily infuses my sentient memory archives with love. I knew then, and remember now, the warmth, serenity, and comfort I felt as I was embraced in the arms of a long and still-remembered love. As I was cradled in this serene embrace, I was bathed in light. My spirit was imbued with a sense of peace, and my soul was engraved with the remembrance of a timeless love.

“As the experience dissolved into the light, I found myself again moving higher up the mountain. When I paused to look back into the valley I saw myself as a child again, this time picking a bouquet of wild alpine blooms. As I-she waltzed through the meadow, I heard myself-her singing, calling out to the mountain, “I love you. I love you. I’m home.”

“I closed my eyes and wondered, ‘Am I home? Or am I going home?’

“With my eyes closed, as if in a vision within a vision, I saw my mother. I could not understand why she was there. As far as I knew, my mom was very much alive. Wasn’t this ‘the other side?’ I knew I was no longer alive and felt that I was in a space between the worlds…

“It was then that I saw the tunnel and knew with absolute assurance that I was on my way home, certain that the home I had long yearned for was in the light at the other end of this passageway.

“As I was standing alone with my grandmother, she told me that I must make this part of the journey alone. Filled with peace, I knew I would see her again on the other side.

“I was ready, and without hesitation took my first step into the corridor that led toward the light, crossing an intersection that connected now with forever … Once I was inside the tunnel it was as if someone at the other end was calling my name, drawing me forward. I knew that this passageway was taking me to the top of the mountain, leading me home into the light. I was overjoyed to be going to the summit, as all my life I had wanted to climb to the top of Mt. Rainier. I had never made the attempt, believing that I would try and fail, or that I would die trying.

“I moved effortless into the passage. Soon I knew I would be able to fly. Fly?

“The light was getting brighter and warmer as I moved through the tunnel. The MUSIC, the celestial symphony, continued to fill the air with a psalm of Oneness, played on unseen instruments of peace.

“I arrived at the pinnacle and, standing at the entrance to the light, took a single step, leaving my right footprint embedded in Eternity. I entered a sacred space – a place where I knew I had returned to my most essential nature, where I felt wholly and consciously united with all things and Source, where a soothing balm of peace was poured on my spirit by an unseen hand, an emollient so rich in love that to this day I cannot fully absorb or comprehend it.

5. Lynnclaire Dennis’ Experience with “The Pattern”

“And then, in one ephemeral glimpse, I saw the Pattern, the single strand of the tapestry I knew was the essence woven through matter in every reality. Its design was so complexly simple that I knew it could only have been fashioned in the exalted intricacy of infinity.

“Seeing the Pattern, I knew I was looking at life itself. It was light; it was time and space. It was the energy of all matter, the heart of all that mattered. It was the very essence of all being. It emanated from Source, illuminated to my mind by ‘the Source behind the sun’ as it moved in perfect harmony with all the universe. As I prepared to meld into the Source of light and absolute love, I knew with all my being that the Pattern was the core of all substance. I knew that the MUSIC emanating from the Pattern was the song of my heart, a testament of unconditional love. The single step I had taken was the first in a dance that would take me into the single point of Infinite light, which contained the power of love that would forever illuminate my mind and heart. I inhaled and prepared to take the next step as the exhalation of love, the Life Force of the Universe, carried me home, when, without warning, the melody screeched. Before I could move, a cacophony assaulted me. A cold wind rushed past me, and I remember crying out, ‘No!’

“I knew I was in a life-or-death struggle, this time with an unknown adversary who had grabbed me by my left foot. I was struggling with an enemy who was attempting to yank me backward, pulling me away from the light. I was enraged. I did not want to leave. Yet, even as I was being dragged back, I knew I had to remember. I twisted to the right to look at the Pattern, knowing I must not forget.

“The enemy was my loving partner, Steve. As he frantically administered CPR, he pummeled my chest, forcing oxygen to circulate in my body. Later he would insist that as I reentered my body, my wind-milling fists were empowered with an otherworldly rage.

“The exact length of time I was ‘dead,’ in what is often referred to as a near-death experience, remains uncertain. However, making the ascent from twelve thousand feet, where I remember going out of my body, to more than seventeen thousand feet would probably have taken more than fifteen minutes.

“Although Steve was successful in reviving me, one thing was certain – the woman he had brought back was not the same one who had left. After learning that I was in essence a Being of Light, I had to come back into this world and reenter a dense, physical body. Furthermore, almost every belief I had embraced only hours before – that I was a physical being, that love was outside of me, that God was some patriarchal monarch sitting on a marble throne somewhere in the sky, that death was something to fear, that I was doomed by my past, that religion and spirituality were the same, that spirituality and science were different – was no longer true to my experience. Virtually every picture of ‘reality’ I had used to define my existence – not to be confused with my life – had been cremated. The ashes of the woman I thought I was were scattered on the wind.”

[Lynnclaire Dennis’ near-death experience ends here.]

6. An Analysis of Lynnclaire Dennis’ Near-Death Experience by Kevin Williams

One of the amazing aspects of NDEs is how they have so many similar components between them. These similarities include: an out-of-body experience; a tunnel which they travel through; a heavenly Light made of indescribable love; a homecoming with deceased loved ones; an arrival to a heavenly “transit station”; a comprehensive life review; and an encounter with a “Being of Light.” Lynnclaire’s NDE is certainly no exception. The following is my analysis of some of the components of Lynnclaire’s NDE compared with other experiencers’ NDEs. Note that this is certainly not a complete analysis and more information may be added or updated later.

a. Lynnclaire’s Expansion of Consciousness

Like many experiencers during their NDE, Lynnclaire described having her consciousness expand. She described it this way:

“As my being expanded I saw the cords of years that bound me to the planet. I recall precisely the moment that I broke the bonds of this inimical world and was immersed in the warmth of the light … The bond, which was braided from strands of days, bands of months, and ribbons of years, fashioned a nexus between then and now.” (Lynnclaire Dennis)

(1) Mellen-Thomas Benedict on NDE Expansion of Consciousness

This expansion process may continue until the experiencer’s consciousness fills the entire universe and even beyond it. People have described this expansion of consciousness as literally “becoming the universe” or “knowing everything in the universe” or “becoming God”. One experiencer, Mellen-Thomas Benedict, described it as:

“Suddenly I seemed to be rocketing away from the planet on this stream of life … At faster than light speed, I flew through the center of the galaxy, absorbing more knowledge as I went … As I rode this stream of consciousness through the center of the galaxy, the stream was expanding in awesome fractal waves of energy … At first I thought I was going somewhere; actually travelling. But then I realized that, as the stream was expanding, my own consciousness was also expanding to take in everything in the Universe!” (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)

b. Lynnclaire’s Life Review in a Heavenly Amphitheater

Another component found in Lynnclaire’s NDE and others is having their life review while inside a heavenly “amphitheater”. Lynnclaire described travelling a heavenly route towards this amphitheater which is found in many other NDEs. It begins by leaving Earth behind and entering into a “Void” – a spaceless and timeless realm where self-reflection is optimal. The journey then continues toward a kind of “receiving station” which in Lynnclaire’s case and others was an amphitheater. She described having her life reviewed in this amphitheater as a kind of heavenly “This Is Your Life” television episode where her deceased loved ones would appear one by one, greet her, and have Lynnclaire’s relationship with them evaluated. Here is how Lynnclaire described it:

“In luxuriant warmth we moved on, drawn higher into the valley, moving toward the Source of the light. I made a single turn, and the meadow suddenly became an amphitheater. On a stage that seemed to be suspended in front of me, I witnessed, with my grandmother, what seemed to be an encore performance of my life. Ninety degrees to my right was what I perceived to be a doorway, just within the range of my peripheral vision. It was from this doorway that every character who had played in my life’s drama emerged. In turn they walked to center stage, where they faced me … I was greeted by acquaintances, friends, my grandparents, my father’s best friend, as well as a school chum from seventh grade … For the first time I saw the depth of the impression we make on one another’s lives … … As they greeted me, I inexplicably seemed to understand the highest purpose of our earthly connection. It was love. I saw each person for who he or she was apart from the descriptions I had previously used to define each of them. As they taught me love, I realized what an important role we play in the development of one another’s personality … I also knew that I had never felt so remembered, recognized, understood, or loved … The highest purpose of our earthly connections is love .. After each person shared his or her message, the meaning of love, each one turned and exited through another door located to the left of the stage. I knew without a doubt that I would soon walk through that door and join them on the other side.” (Lynnclaire Dennis)

(1) Ned Dougherty’s Life Review in a Heavenly Amphitheater

Other experiencers have described having their life reviewed in such an amphitheater. One such experiencer, Ned Dougherty, described being, “in the deepest void of space feeling comfortable and at home.” He then entered into a magnificent ethereal structure he described as:

“… an amphitheater made of a brilliant, crystal-like substance .. suspended in the void of space in the same fashion that a space station might hover in space. The amphitheater was similar in size to a sports stadium and conveyed a great majesty.” (Ned Dougherty)

It was there that Ned also experienced a life review.

(2) P. Anderson’s Experience of a Heavenly Amphitheater

One female experiencer known on my website only as “P. Anderson.” described seeing a clear white bright light which lead her into:

“a huge, wonderful, stadium or amphitheater where love and music emanated from it.” (P. Anderson)

(3) An Accountant’s Experience of a Heavenly Amphitheater

Another experiencer, known only as “An Accountant”, described it this way:

“As we (he and his deceased parents) walked along together to find Jesus, I noticed there was one building larger than all the others. It looked like a football stadium with an open end to the building where a blinding light radiated from it. I tried to look up at the light but I couldn’t. It was too brilliant. Many people seemed to be bowed in front of this building in adoration and prayer. I said to my parents, ‘What is that?’ They said, ‘In there is God.'” (An Accountant)

(4) Carter Mills’ Revelations from a Heavenly Amphitheater

Carter Mills was taken to a suspended platform during his NDE where he met a being so powerful he thought it was God. The angels bowed and took their places with two others at the platform’s four corners. Carter learned that the powerful being was Jesus who then led him through a life review.

(5) Revelations from Life Reviews

The life review has been described by many people as being the single most enlightening component of their NDE. The main purpose of the life review is for the experiencer to learn important lessons about love from the perspective of the life they lived while on Earth. Other reasons for the life review are based upon this main purpose. These reasons include:

a. For educating the experiencer about life and death.

b. For educating the experiencer about themselves: why they are the way we are; what were the motives behind their actions; how did their lives impact others; how they could have done better; and what they can do to correct aspects to themselves not compatible with life in the spirit realm. Learning these lessons are important for becoming a better and more spiritual person.

c. For evaluating the experiencer’s soul development for the purpose of attaining soul growth.

d. For evaluating the experiencer’s progress in completing their mission on Earth.

e. For determining the experiencer’s next step toward their progression in the light.

The life review has been presented to experiencers in various ways and as having many interesting characteristics – not all of which are found in every life review. They may include instantly becoming everyone you came in contact with in your entire life: feeling their emotions, thinking their thoughts, living their experiences, learning their motives behind their actions. The experiencer may relive every detail of every second of their life, every emotion, and every thought simultaneously; re-live the way they dealt with others and how others dealt with them. It may involve viewing a few special deeds in your life or replaying a part of your life to focus on a particular event for instruction. Some experiencers have reported viewing past lives and/or the future giving them a strong sense of responsibility. The life review is a fact-finding process rather than a fault-finding process. The experiencer’s motives for everything are as visible as their actions. Often the negative events an individual might expect to see does not show up due to a change of heart.

c. Lynnclaire’s Experience of Timelessness

Experiencers such as Lynnclaire affirm that time does not exist in the spirit realm. This feeling of timelessness after death has been described by experiencers as having the feeling they are returning to a realm they inhabited only a moment ago; and the lifetime they spent on Earth seemed like only a brief moment. One important lesson to be learned from this fact is that by our getting rid of this illusion of time from our minds right now can go a long way in expanding our consciousness by realizing that we are already living in eternity right now. For this reason, while experiencers may have been clinically dead for only a few minutes, their NDE may seem like it lasted for eternity. Lynnclaire described it this way:

“All I knew – and knew for certain – was that time and space were nothing more than attenuated wisps of human invention … As I stood there I realized that if time was all here now, then it could not be a straight line. This could only mean that there could be no such thing as a beginning, a middle, or an end.” (Lynnclaire Dennis)

(1) Beverly Brodsky’s Experience of Timelessness

Another experiencer, Beverly Brodsky described this same principle:

“Space and time are illusions that hold us to the physical realm; in the spirit realm, all is present simultaneously.” (Beverly Brodsky)

(2) Jayne Smith’s Experience of Timelessness

Another experiencer, Jayne Smith, described it this way:

“One experience in the spirit realm can feel like forever. Time no longer seems to apply and seems irrelevant. Time is only relevant when it is relative to the normal orderly sequential aspects of life. The experience can feel like a moment and an eternity. You realize that you are eternal and indestructible.” (Jayne Smith)

(3) Kimberly Clark Sharp’s Experience of Timelessness

Kimberly Clark Sharp put it this way:

“Earthly time has no meaning in the spirit realm. There is no concept of before or after. Everything – past, present, future – exists simultaneously.” (Kimberly Clark Sharp)

(4) P.M.H. Atwater’s Experience of Timelessness

P.M.H. Atwater’s description of time and timelessness is my favorite:

“Time and space exists only in the physical realm. When you leave the physical realm, you leave such constraints. Existence there is never ending and ongoing, forever and ever eternal. The only true movement is without the distortion of time and space. It is expansion and contraction, as if the existence that exists were capable of breathing. What appears as a progression, a time-line of starts and stops and ever-changing variations, is but an overleaf, an illusion, that helps us to focus on whatever realm we currently inhabit so that we will accomplish what we set out to do (or at least have an opportunity to), and not be distracted by The Truth that under-girds reality. Using radio as an analogy, dying to this physical realm and entering a spirit realm is comparable to having lived all your life at a certain radio frequency when all of a sudden someone or something comes along and flips the dial. That flip shifts you to another, higher wavelength. The original frequency where you once existed is still there. It did not change. Everything is still just the same as it was. Only you changed, only you speeded up to allow entry into the next radio frequency on the dial. You then fit into your particular spot on the dial by your speed of vibration. You cannot coexist forever where you do not belong.” (P.M.H. Atwater)

d. Lynnclaire’s Experience of Heavenly Music

As in Lynnclaire’s case, many experiencers hear extremely beautiful, heavenly music during their NDE. Lynnclaire described it this way:

“And then I heard the MUSIC. It was a tone so sublimely perfect that remembering it still brings me to tears. I knew then, and know now, that I was hearing the symphony of angels, the song of the universe, what some have called the ‘Music of the Spheres.’ All thoughts melted in its melody and everything else ceased to be of any importance. I closed my eyes and began to dance, moving to the resonant vibration that coursed through my essence. The melody seemed to issue from a single point and was composed of one verse, a song whose mystical tone my entire being knew and sang. I bathed in its melody as utter joy filled my being, and as the sound washed over my spirit, I felt all confusion purged from my consciousness … The MUSIC, the celestial symphony, continued to fill the air with a psalm of Oneness, played on unseen instruments of peace … As I prepared to meld into the Source of light and absolute love, I knew with all my being that the Pattern was the core of all substance. I knew that the MUSIC emanating from the Pattern was the song of my heart, a testament of unconditional love.” (Lynnclaire Dennis)

(1) Dr. Richard Eby’s Experience of Heavenly Music

Another experiencer, Dr. Richard Eby, described it this way:

“Music surrounded me. It came from all directions. Its harmonic beauty unlike earthly vocal or instrumental sounds was totally undistorted. It flowed unobtrusively like a glassy river, quietly worshipful, excitingly edifying, and totally comforting. It provided a reassuring type of comfort much like a protective blanket that whispered peace and love. I had never sensed anything like it. Perhaps angelic would describe it.” (Dr. Richard Eby)

(2) Steve Roach’s Experience of Heavenly Music

Steve Roach of Tucson, Arizona, had an NDE after a bike crash and heard:

“… the most intensely beautiful music you could ever imagine.” (Steve Roach)

As a result of this experience he decided “to dedicate my life to re-creating the exact same sound.” The result is a record entitled “Structures from Silence.” Says Roach:

“Many people contact me after hearing my recordings to tell me that they’ve heard the exact same music during their NDEs.” (Steve Roach)

Such NDE revelations show the great importance music plays in the universe, in the spirit realms, in our souls and the divine. Lynnclaire’s NDE resulted in a wonderful and rare ability to see sound which she expresses in her art.

(3) NDE Revelations of Heavenly Music

Some of the insights from NDEs concerning this heavenly music include:

  1. In the spirit realm, gardens sing and colors can be heard. It is a realm where light and sound, color and geometrical patterns are all combined into a totality of harmonic perfection.
  2. The music heard in NDEs is on a level beyond hearing. It comes from within the very core of your soul. It is like living on a universal wave length which envelops you totally.
  3. Other descriptions of this heavenly music include: unearthly harmonic beauty, angelic, sublimely beautiful, exquisite harmonies, heavenly, a celestial choir of angels, an orchestra of voices, hymns sung to God, mystical tones, harmonic perfection, music transcending all thought, bells and wind chimes, glorious tones and rhythms and melodies, music that is experienced from within, and music that puts Bach to shame.

e. Lynnclaire’s Homecoming Experience

Many NDEs such as Lynnclaire’s include a “homecoming” where the experiencer realizes their true home was not on Earth, but in the spirit realm along with deceased family and loved ones who immediately greet them. After death, most people are immediately greeted by a loved one(s) to understand what has happened. This “homecoming” is like a big celebration – similar to a surprise birthday party – heralding your arrival. Lynnclaire was immediately greeted by her beloved grandmother and then by the rest of her loved ones on the Other Side. She described her homecoming this way:

“Unspeakable joy filled my heart when I saw my paternal grandmother walking down the mountain. She approached me and enveloped me with open arms. The last time I had seen her was the summer of 1963. For more than twenty years I carried an inconsolable grief in my heart because I never got to say good-bye. Now we were together again in a magical place where time held no meaning.” (Lynnclaire Dennis)

Later on in her NDE, Lynnclaire described how she closed her eyes and wondered, “Am I home? Or am I going home?”

(1) Barbara Springer’s Homecoming Experience

Another experiencer, Barbara Springer, described her homecoming this way:

“I can’t find words to explain how I felt. The amount of joy I felt. The amount of love I knew I was being given. I felt as if I had come home. I knew this is where I actually belonged. Even though I love Earth and I love living here. But when I was encountered by that being, I knew I had come home.” (Barbara Springer)

(2) Arthur Yensen’s Homecoming Experience

Another experiencer, Arthur Yensen, put it this way:

“Then I noticed that the landscape was gradually becoming familiar. It seemed as if I had been here before. I remembered what was on the other side of the mountains. Then with a sudden burst of joy, I realized that this was my real home! Back on Earth I had been a visitor, a misfit, and a homesick stranger. With a sigh of relief, I said to myself, ‘Thank God I’m back again. This time I’ll stay!'” (Arthur Yensen)

(3) Barbara Marie’s Homecoming Experience

Another experiencer, Barbara Marie, described it this way:

“And then there was a period of being embraced by this love and peace and serenity and knowing I had reached my final destination, that this was truly a home. It gave new meaning to the word ‘home.'” (Barbara Marie)

Barbara Marie realized this was where she actually belonged and where she wanted to be forever.

f. Lynnclaire’s Experience with the Circle of Twelve Elders

After her NDE, Lynnclaire had recurring dreams of The Pattern where she was able to bring more subconscious memories of The Pattern’s geometric structure into her conscious awareness. The Pattern consists of twelve pieces surrounded by an unbroken line creating seven bridges within it. The mathematical name for this structure is a Fourier Trefoil Knot. There is an interesting connection between this twelve-piece Pattern and the so-called “Council of Twelve Elders” – a group of enlightened beings appearing frequently in NDEs whose primary purpose is to evaluate the experiencer’s mission in life. Along with having recurring dreams of the Pattern, Lynnclaire also had recurring dreams of a “Circle of Twelve Elders” one of whom is Asian and who’s “avatar” is currently living on Earth. In 1996, Lynnclaire visited China at the invitation of a scientist named Steve Bryson and within hours of arriving there, she was introduced to a man whom she recognized as the Asian elder. As a result, Lynnclaire worked with The Gorbachev Foundation and found doors opening to diplomatic circles in many countries. Lynnclaire views the process behind The Pattern as being a potentially powerful tool for negotiations. Perhaps the Council of Elders from Lynnclaire’s NDE are giving humanity the proof we need to understand how we are connected religiously, culturally, politically and metaphysically. As human beings, we are all one and the same.

(1) Dr. Michael Newton’s Research of the Council of Elders

Dr. Michael Newton‘s ground-breaking research using hypnotic regression to guide people into past-life memories led him to the discovery of memories of experiences in out-of-body dimensions between Earth lives. After performing a great multitude of regressions, Newton realized there existed an important process after death where people appear before a Council of Elders:

“After souls arrive back into their soul groups, they are summoned to appear before a Council of Elders. While the Council is not prosecutorial, they do engage in direct examination of a soul’s activities before returning them to their groups. Upon returning to Earth, one of the last requirements before embarkation for many souls is to go before the Council of Elders for the second time. The spirit world is an environment personified by order and the Elders want to reinforce the significance of a soul’s goals for the next life. Some return to their spirit group after this meeting to say goodbye while others say they leave immediately for reincarnation. Those souls getting ready for embarkation to Earth are like battle-hardened veterans girding themselves for combat. This is the last chance for souls to enjoy the omniscience of knowing just who they are before they must adapt to a new body.” (Dr. Michael Newton)

(2) Dannion Brinkley’s Experience of the Council of Elders

Dannion Brinkley had an NDE where he was led to a heavenly cathedral by a Being of Light. There he met twelve more Beings of Light each of whom represented one sign of the zodiac:

“I was able to count the beings as they stood behind the podium. There were thirteen of them, standing shoulder to shoulder and stretched across the stage. I was aware of other things about them, too, probably through some form of telepathy. Each one of them represented a different emotional and psychological characteristic that all humans have. For example, one of these beings was intense and passionate, while another was artistic and emotional. One was bold and energetic, yet another possessive and loyal. In human terms, it was as though each one represented a different sign of the zodiac. In spiritual terms, these beings went far beyond the signs of the zodiac. They emanated these emotions in such a way that I could feel them.” (Dannion Brinkley)

Other experiencers have referred to this group of higher beings by other names as well such as: “a council of men,” or “council”, or “Elders”, or something similar. This council of twelve has also been identified to be the twelve apostles of Christ.

g. The Important Role The Pattern May Play in the Future

Visions of the future, as revealed in many NDEs, are practically unanimous in describing a coming “Golden Age” on Earth which result from near-death experiencers such as Lynnclaire bringing heavenly information to Earth. The general consensus from NDE revelations is the Earth will eventually be filled with people who have evolved spirituality in the same way other enlightened beings have, such as: Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, etc. It will also be a world with surprisingly little technology; and where humanity has developed “superhuman” or supernatural abilities. For example, humanity has been foreseen to evolve to a point where groups of people praying together will be able to control the climate. Children have been foreseen to be the most precious commodity in the world; and raising children has been foreseen to be the highest priority of the human race. It will be a future where greater understanding of the afterlife will common knowledge; and wisdom will be more important than science. According to one NDE experiencer who was shown the future, Howard Storm, it will be:

“… a euphoric future without anxiety, hatred, and competition” and where everyone will have “enormous trust and mutual respect” for others. (Howard Storm)

Lynnclaire’s extraordinary NDE and her bringing The Pattern into this world is already playing an important role in humanity. As an example, in my opinion, Lynnclaire’s educational program for children, called BeLonging, will be the perfect system to educate children because it is based upon principles discovered in The Pattern. Lynnclaire, her NDE and The Pattern is proving to be an important catalyst for humans to mature spiritually enough to assume a higher place in God’s universe.

7. Lynnclaire Dennis’ Links and Resources


Amazon.com Books by Lynnclaire Dennis

Patterning a Better Life, Together

Patterning a Better Life (For Mobile Phones)
