3 Articles

Atheism and NDEs
1 Articles

Greek Philosophy and NDEs
1 Articles

Skepticism and NDEs
10 Articles
- Skeptical Argument: The Only Real Proof is Out-of-Body Veridical Perception
- Skeptical Argument: The Existence of God is Unlikely
- A Skeptic’s Hoax Near-Death Experience and Fraud Is Exposed
- Skeptical Argument: Self-Awareness Is Just a Brain Function
- Skeptical Argument: People Don’t Actually Survive Death
- Skeptical Argument: Nothing Useful Comes From NDEs
- Skeptical Argument: NDEs Should Be Demonstrated Empirically
- Skeptical Argument: NDEs Are Scientifically Falsifiable
- Skeptical Argument: Life Outside the Universe Is Unlikely
- Debunking the Pseudoskeptics of Near-Death Experiences