Home > Reincarnation David Wilcock as the Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce

David Wilcock as the Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce

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1. About David Wilcock

David Wilcock (born March 8, 1973) is a bestselling author, a professional lecturer, a TV host on the GAIA TV Network, a filmmaker of metaphysical documentaries, a popular figure appearing on numerous cable TV documentaries and Internet shows, a researcher and authority on the subjects of: ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy, and a psychic counselor. His popular website, DivineCosmos.com, contains thousands of free pages of scientific and spiritual information about soul growth, Ascension and the evolution of consciousness. Wilcock attended the State University of New York at New Platz and graduated with a BA in Psychology and a Master’s. His first two books, The Source Field Investigations and The Synchronicity Key, were New York Times bestsellers. His latest book, Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil (2016), is a bestseller on Amazon. His Hollywood film Convergence unveils the proof that all life on Earth is united in a field of consciousness, which affects our minds in fascinating ways. Wilcock is also the subject and co-author of the international bestseller, The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?, which explores the remarkable similarities between David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce. The book features many of Wilcock’s most inspiring psychic readings and reveals documented NASA scientific proof of interplanetary climate change … and how it directly impacts our DNA. The following article was written from source material from the DivineCosmos.com website which provides compelling evidence of David Wilcock as the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.

2. Disclaimer From David Wilcock

The following “disclaimer” came to David Wilcock through a reading:

“I, Wilcock, do not wish to self-aggrandize or make myself out to be something great through writing all of this. In fact, I dislike the spotlight and the controversy, and that is why I haven’t yet written up this article until now, after knowing about this for a year and seven months already. I just want there to be a document that states the truth as I see it — both the strong points and the weak points. We are all One in this creation and no entity is any more or less valuable than any other. If I were trying to tell everyone that I was some spiritual super-hero, then I obviously would not have included the information about my losses, relationship problems and the like. I do not feel that I will single-handedly “save the world” or do anything grandiose. I am simply one of a great team of Lightworkers, both incarnate and discarnate, all of whom wish to be of service to others. That’s it.”

3. Similar Traits, Lessons, Places, and People

a. Similar Facial Appearance

Numerous laypersons as well as several experienced portrait artists have verified that the facial similarities between Wilcock and Cayce are astounding. The only main differences are that Cayce’s jaw is more recessive than Wilcock’s, and Cayce’s lips and earlobes are slightly larger than Wilcock’s. The most stunning similarity of all is in the similarities within the shapes of the lips, cheekbones, hairline and nose, the remarkably similar appearance of the eyes and the literally identical bone structure of the brow above the eyelids. (Maturity and weight changed Edgar’s appearance as time progressed.) These similarities are strong enough that several people directly associated with the Cayce work and his younger pictures “nearly fell over backwards” the first time that they saw Wilcock’s face. One even volunteered that Wilcock “looked exactly the same as Edgar Cayce” before he ever even knew anything about Wilcock, or that there was any possible connection.

b. Similar Traits and Lessons

Quite without his conscious awareness of a reason, Wilcock was inclined towards being a psychic from a very young age. He had a spontaneous out-of-body experience at age 5 and read his first adult book on ESP at age 7. He also conducted successful telepathic experiments with his friends at age 7. He began reading the Tarot cards at age 13, had his first consciously-induced lucid dreaming experiences at age 16 and got his first channeled psychic messages at age 23, the same year that Cayce lost his voice and began doing his own readings. Both are almost blindly driven to serve God, other people and the planet.

c. Similar Places

Wilcock would end up being very strongly asked by his readings to move to Virginia Beach before he was consciously aware of the Cayce connection. This move was prophesied in the readings almost from the very first day, and Wilcock was only just beginning to suspect a possible connection when he arrived in Virginia Beach. Wilcock’s readings predicted the exact name of the street (Great Neck) he would be living on back in July of that year, and the move wasn’t made until October. They also gave him the German phrase “Scarstahldig” in July, which turned out to mean “A group of German steel helmets.” (Wilcock has never studied German.) Amazingly, the tenant living with the woman Wilcock moved in with in Virginia Beach was a collector of German steel helmets! Furthermore, he had not even been living there when the reading was done in July!

d. Similar People

Wilcock gradually became aware that some of his closest friends and associates were the reincarnations of others in the Cayce circle. Each case is a story all its own, with compelling karmic connections as well as similarly astounding facial correspondences. More research is necessary to uncover any possible astrological connections. Here is a partial list:

Gertrude Evans, wife of Edgar Cayce: Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) became engaged to Gertrude Evans in 1897, and they married in 1903. They had three children: Hugh Lynn Cayce (1907-1982), Milton Porter Cayce (1911-1911), and Edgar Evans Cayce (1918 -2013).

Angelica, Wilcock’s best female friend from college: Astonishing synchronicities happened between them when they met, and they have stayed in contact ever since.

Morton Blumenthal, a friend of the family: Morton was a young man who worked in the stock exchange in New York with his trader brother Edwin who became very interested in the Cayce readings. He shared Cayce’s outlook and offered to finance their vision in the right spirit and even bought the Cayce’s a house at Virginia Beach. In 1927 the Association was incorporated in the state of Virginia which would manage the building of the Cayce Hospital and a scientific study of the readings. Morton was president and his brother and several others were vice presidents. Cayce was secretary and treasurer, and his wife Gladys was assistant secretary.

Chris, Wilcock’s very good friend: Wilcock has known Chris since he was a college freshman. Chris is highly intellectual and drawn to New York City, just like Morton was. Very similar faces, hairstyles and mentalities. Wilcock’s readings dramatically indicated this connection through a time-encoded prophecy that was made before he knew about his past life as Cayce.

Edwin Blumenthal, Morton’s brother: Both of the Blumenthals were involved in the stock market and Edwin had already taken the steps to become a securities broker. Within a few months Morton interested his brother Edwin in obtaining a reading from Cayce which predicted a successful career. The readings predicted his success would come as a result of many years of work and by virtue of Edwin’s own native “psychic abilities.”

Jude Goldman, Wilcock’s best friend: Wilcock has known Jude since he was a freshman in high school. As is to be expected, there are significant facial similarities between the two. Many of the fantastic potentials that the Cayce Readings ascribed to Edwin can be seen in Jude, through his creative work with photography, art, music and poetry. Jude is perhaps the single most important figure in the early stages of Wilcock’s awakening.

Leslie “The Squire” Cayce, Edgar’s father: Leslie Cayce wore a mustache his whole life and was called “The Squire” by everyone. He and his son Edgar did not have an easy relationship with each other.

Don Wilcock, Wilcock’s father: (The sneer is because he was making a comical pose after seeing a Metallica concert with Wilcock. It happens to be the best comparison shot he has.) Again, the behavioral / karmic connections and facial similarities are extraordinary. The rather rough edge that the Squire possessed was completely visible in Wilcock’s father throughout Wilcock’s adolescent years, and later the same degree of intense love would also be quite visible. Furthermore, Wilcock’s father’s favorite clothing store has always been “The Squire Shop.” He does not know or understand any of these connections consciously.

Wesley Ketchum, the man who broke Cayce’s story to the medical world: Dr. Wesley Ketchum worked with Cayce’s father to use the readings to bet and win on horse races for desperately needed financing. Cayce was told that he was doing medical readings, as he did not want to use the readings for financial gain even if his family was starving. When Cayce found out the truth, he ended the whole partnership and never spoke to Ketchum again. The Squire and Edgar remained a family, but there was much tension over this falling-out that had developed.

Mike Wilcock, David Wilcock’s brother: The facial similarity to Wesley Ketchum is quite remarkable, including nearly identical glasses. Antagonism between Cayce and Ketchum could account for early sibling rivalries, which have now been ameliorated. David and Mike both played the drums while growing up, which only furthered their ongoing sibling rivalry and competition. Their father would take David Wilcock and Mike to Baum’s News Room every Sunday for comic books and candy, through their entire childhood. The same Italian guys were in the newsroom every Sunday, smoking cigars and avidly watching the horse races as if they had money involved. The moral of the story seems to be that if you really end things badly with a person in your life, you’ll get the chance to try all over again later on — until you learn to love and respect each other and see past the issues that had once driven you apart. More research is still necessary to determine further connections.

David Kahn, Cayce’s best friend: Kahn was present for many, many Cayce readings, and actually pioneered the idea for a wooden cabinet-mounted radio on the suggestion of Cayce’s readings. These cabinet radios became hugely popular, and the design also saw its way into many early television sets. Kahn was the original inventor.

Eric, Wilcock’s “other best friend”: Wilcock has known Eric since his junior year in college and lived with for two years, during the time when the readings got started. Eric does not want his identity to be made public at this time due to his professional involvements and how it might change the way he is seen by his colleagues. Notably similar faces, and identical facial expressions while being photographed. Both are highly intelligent, compassionate, stable and business-minded people. Eric was of invaluable assistance on all levels when Wilcock began doing readings and currently does not want a comparison photo to be posted. Undoubtedly there are still other connections not yet discovered. But so far, these discoveries conform perfectly well with the idea in the Cayce Readings that the same groups of people will continue to reincarnate together in successive lifetimes.

A more complete analysis of Wilcock’s similar relationships with Cayce can be found in this article.

4. A Brief History of Wilcock’s Experiences

Ever since age 2, Wilcock remembers having dreams of massive, metallic cylinders floating in the sky, along with bizarre psychic synchronicities during the day. At age 5, he had a spontaneous out-of-body experience that greatly crystallized his quest for the truth of ESP, metaphysics and consciousness. At age 7, Wilcock read his first full-length adult paperback book about ESP, entitled “How to Make ESP Work for You,” by Harold Sherman. He conducted successful telepathic experiments with his friends, and demonstrated repeated psychic accuracy while still in second grade, culminating in a classroom demonstration of his abilities.

Wilcock’s parents divorced when he was 11 years old, and he quickly began gaining weight through emotional eating, trying to stuff his pain with food. As he got larger he started wearing black T-shirts to try to hide the weight, and became increasingly socially isolated. He reached his heaviest and most depressed point at age 15. At age 16, Wilcock committed to a weight-loss plan, and soon had the first of an ongoing series of lucid dreams, consciously induced through a technique he learned in Dr. Stephen LaBerge’s book, “Lucid Dreaming.” He lost 85 pounds by strict dieting during this year of his life, going from 225 down to 140. Wilcock’s grades also improved along with his self-esteem as a result of losing so much weight. The day he cut his hair people were stopping dead in their tracks when they saw him in the hallways. His transformation so impressed the faculty of Scotia-Glenville HS that he was awarded the Martin J. Mahoney Memorial Award for Personal and Academic Progress.

At age 19, after one bleary-eyed year of college partying, Wilcock went totally sober, and began a detailed journal of all his dreams on a daily basis. He has an unbroken record of dreams that continues to this day — some 14 years later. (Currently he averages 80-100 pages of this private journal writing every 15 days, between documenting dreams, important emails and life’s daily events. He considers meditative journaling and dreamwork to be essential to spiritual growth.)

Wilcock later graduated from the State University of New York at New Paltz with a BA in Psychology and a Master’s equivalent in experience from his internship at a suicide hotline, completing his formal education at age 22. His “graduate studies” with Higher Intelligence had already begun at age 20, by fully reading and absorbing an average of three metaphysical books per week; he integrated over 300 metaphysical titles between 1993 and 1995. His Internet research began in 1996, and soon replaced books as the predominant medium of study. Though Internet writing is often lower in quality than published books, it also contains much that cannot be found in libraries and bookstores, and the search functions are irreplaceable.

We now have nine feet worth of books from printed website articles, which Wilcock organized with a binding machine. This massive archive has spawned all three Convergence books published freely on his website, with book III, Divine Cosmos, being the most sophisticated in content and in writing style — hence the new name of the website. This archive also spawned Part III of “The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?” and the material for a trilogy of Convergence films — and they’re still only using a small portion of what they’ve uncovered, though they do feel it is the BEST portion — the most inspiring and scientifically sound.

Wilcock’s preliminary, direct contact with Higher Intelligence was through a quick burst of automatic writing, which occurred at age 22, in November of 1995. A very small number of characters gave a Bible citation that was highly synchronistic and meaningful to him at that time, even though he had never studied the Bible. Three years of daily dreamwork and intense metaphysical research helped “tune” his mind to receive this one brief message. However, there was still another year of work to be done before it could come through sustainably, in verbal form. During this year only dreams came through — no further messages or sentences. This automatic writing experience paved the way for Wilcock to begin reading the Ra Material / Law of One series in January 1996, channeled by L/L Research, based in Louisville, Kentucky since 1983. The Law of One integrated and explained all 300 books worth of Wilcock’s metaphysical research and his three years worth of esoteric dream research so well that he felt as if it had been written for him. It also seemed to clearly be implying that a major change — literally a dimensional shift — was coming to the Earth in the not-too-distant future. Wilcock was dazzled to discover that no one had ever written a book about the science of the Law of One series before, and he began writing some articles on Richard Hoagland’s discussion board in the summer of 1996.

In November of 1996, at age 23, Wilcock broke through to direct verbal contact with his own Higher Self, thanks to the tuning provided by the Law of One study and the ongoing daily dreamwork. This proved to be the most important single event of his entire life, and it utterly changed everything, taking all the outside studies and suddenly making them intensely personal. The source showed that it was outside of time and could accurately predict events before they happened with great precision, and it was also a fount of unending wisdom regarding how Wilcock could further grow spiritually. He had a lot more work to be done in releasing fear, increasing responsibility, developing his new scientific models, et cetera.

In September of 1997, he was told in a consciously induced OBE to move to Virginia Beach, Virginia. As soon as Wilcock arrived in Virginia Beach, many A.R.E. people (Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment) recognized him as the spitting image of a young Edgar Cayce. Then, in November of 1997, after considerable speculation from self and others, Wilcock confronted his Source directly about the possibility of having been Edgar Cayce in a past life. The source said that “in short, the answer is yes … and with this knowledge comes great responsibility,” and other than the start of the channeling itself, this was by far the greatest surprise of Wilcock’s entire life. It was extremely difficult for him to accept this, but the readings insisted that he talk about it with others and spread the word. They also insisted that he either begin doing readings professionally and publish books for free online, or he would completely lose his ability. Beginning in July of 1998 and ending in August of 2005, Wilcock conducted 500 paid personal readings as a full-time professional intuitive counselor. His first stab at a Convergence volume was published on the Great Dreams website in spring of 1998, and his own website, Ascension 2000, came online in February 1999. (No content has been deleted from this website since its inception, though we did change the name to DivineCosmos.)

More about David Wilcock can be read in this article.

5. Similarities Between Cayce’s and Wilcock’s Karma

a. Similarities Between Diet and Emotions

Wilcock adopted a strict vegetarian / Vegan diet well before he ever started doing readings, and through his readings he has refined it more and more, on an ongoing basis. (Obviously, he does not smoke, drink coffee or alcohol or eat pork, which were the causes of Cayce’s ongoing health problems.) He has also had numerous dramatic lessons in learning to renounce fear and worry and trusting that his needs will be met. Both Cayce and Wilcock have struggled with ongoing financial hardship. Wilcock has largely cured himself of the problem of his worries and fears interfering with him in any way, which is certainly no small feat.

b. Similarities Between Dreams and Conscious Channeling

Wilcock has recorded almost every dream, every single morning since 1992 with only one major breach in 1994. Since November 1996, each of these dreams have been recorded on audiotape and later transcribed onto the computer for archive and analysis purposes. Including the psychic readings and extensive personal journals, this means that almost all of Wilcock’s spiritual growth, development and multidimensional experiences are extremely well documented for future study. Throughout this entire period of time, he has striven to follow the guidance of his dreams to the best of his ability — something Cayce had tried to practice, but did not persevere with. Wilcock started off from the beginning of his psychic career as a conscious channeler. Further refinements over time have led him to achieve higher and higher levels of trance quality without going unconscious in the process.

c. Similarities Between Cayce Forgiving His Friend Morton

Although Wilcock’s friend Chris still doesn’t believe that this is who he was and is essentially not metaphysically inclined, there is strong evidence connecting him directly with Morton in Wilcock’s readings, long before he ever had any idea of his connections with Cayce. This came through when Wilcock was specifically asking about Chris and the readings said “Plug in the early New York Stock Exchange.” All of Morton’s money was made on the Stock Market. Wilcock and Chris have been through an ongoing series of ups and downs, but regardless of the difficulties they have remained very close friends throughout the entire time, hence clearing past karma.

Chris has remarkable facial, intellectual and behavioral similarities to Morton. Also, Chris had come to live with Wilcock right after he moved into a house that was a mere two blocks away from the former Cayce Hospital, now the ARE. Wilcock and Chris had perhaps the worst fight of their entire friendship directly before Wilcock was to go over and see the Cayce Hospital for the very first time! At this point Wilcock still did not realize the Chris / Morton connection, though he was aware of his connection to Cayce. What makes this so interesting was that Morton had funded the Cayce Hospital and later collapsed it in the aftermath of the Stock Market crash of 1929 — and the two were never able to speak to each other again in that life. Cayce felt ruined by this.

d. Similarities Between Cayce’s Loss of His Hospital

Wilcock would relive this karma over and over again in the physical. It came through in four main fashions:

Loss of Living Situations: Like a recurring nightmare, Wilcock would end up being asked to move out by almost everyone he lived with once he got to Virginia Beach, despite his cleanliness and politeness — essentially since they did not understand him or somehow felt overshadowed or threatened by his abilities. (The other person involved themselves way too much in Wilcock’s business, forcing him to break away.) This pattern also occurred with two college roommates. Cayce had similar problems with having to move in his own life as well. Wilcock now has his own private apartment!

Loss of Jobs: Until Wilcock made a commitment to actually do personal readings for a living, he either grew weary and disgusted with every job that he had and quit, or got spontaneously fired, often for no apparent reason. The jobs that he actually enjoyed also seemed to dissolve mysteriously, and the readings explained that this was their own doing, to relieve the karma associated with the hospital as well as inexorably steering Wilcock towards self-employment in service to others.

Loss of Romantic Interests: Wilcock also seemed to have a cycle where every potential female relationship that he tried to become involved in would quickly sour. This led him to wonder how such a pattern could possibly occur over and over again, since he treats people with nothing but complete love and respect and is not at all physically unattractive. Now he knows that this is related to the Ra-Ta and John Bainbridge karma, in part.

Loss of Book Contract: Wilcock invested a lot of personal self-esteem and pride in the fact that he had recently sold his book “Convergence” to a publisher, and looked forward to the $5000+ advance. The timing of the loss of this contract forced him to do an emergency fundraiser in only three days in order to pay his rent on time. By this point he was already largely impervious to personal loss, and it did not have a large effect.

Rejection by the A.R.E.: Wilcock would also endure an overt dismissal from certain factions of the A.R.E., the organization founded by Cayce. Although his complete one-year absence from them was essentially self-imposed, it was an ongoing source of frustration. This certainly could be a karmic parallel to the banishment of Ra-Ta from Egypt.

So, with all of these “hard knocks,” we can see that Wilcock has had to “reinvent the wheel,” going through remarkably similar losses all over again. The point of all of these lessons appears to be designed to make him completely self-sufficient. The “Achilles Heel” of Edgar Cayce was that he depended on the financial resources of others in order to achieve his own personal successes. Wilcock has now worked strongly to become self-reliant in all areas, financial and otherwise.

[Note on 03/15/09: Thankfully, as a result of intense self-work and balancing, Wilcock is now on a much more positive and fulfilling course.]

e. Similarities Between Self-Martyrdom

Wilcock has had ongoing, multiple lessons extending through to the immediate present about the need to stand up for himself and not allow others to take advantage of him. He has had to learn through often very intense and harsh experiences that he must maintain his boundaries and free time, or else he will not be able to finish his work within the necessary timelines. He also has had to be diligent in taking breaks from his work with his book and article writings, personal readings for others, seminars, dream / reading transcriptions and Internet research, which has often been 16 hours a day, six or seven days a week since he became self-employed in July 1998. He has to discipline himself to break away from the computer to do other things such as exercise and recreation. While dedication to the work is good, he needs time to live his life. He is obviously too young to “die of burnout,” but it is still something he must be aware of. This selfless dedication to the work is an obvious reason for his romantic failures as well!

So, all these lists bring us back to the central point. Even on this surface level that we are looking out, there are undoubtedly some major connections between Cayce and Wilcock that fit remarkably well into the category of a “reincarnation.” Furthermore, in his in-progress book, “Wanderer Awakening,” we get an in-depth account of the numerous “hints” that Wilcock’s readings were giving for the whole first year, all of which emanated from a deep level of trance and were not understandable or decipherable at the time. If Wilcock had really had any inkling that something like this might have been true, he may have suspected it earlier and gotten the idea of what his readings were trying to tell him. However, this was not the case.

f. No More Medical Readings

The most common question that anyone asks Wilcock about the “Cayce Connection” is this: “Why don’t you do medical readings like Cayce did?” Wilcock’s readings have repeatedly addressed this point over time. Essentially, Wilcock came to the planet with a very different mission than Edgar. It was not Wilcock’s responsibility or desire to simply come through as a carbon-copy of the person he had been before. Now that this lifetime would see the year 2000 at age 27, it was much more important to focus on the pivotal event of the entire 75,000-year history of human life on Earth; namely, the end of the Solar Cycle that was referred to repeatedly in Cayce’s readings.

Much of Wilcock’s scientific work, cataloged in Convergence, is a direct repetition and reassimilation of the knowledge that was available to Ra-Ta. This knowledge included:

(1) The fact that civilization moves in 25,000-year cycles;
(2) The fact that the universe is organized into an octave of dimensions;
(3) The fact that these octaves have a light, sound and geometric counterpart;
(4) That this geometry shows up on Earth as the Global Grid;
(5) That this Grid energy can be harnessed through building crystal structures;
(6) That the Great Pyramid was the optimal energy-focusing design;
(7) That humanity would be “harvested” at the end of the cycle;
(8) That higher-dimensional beings would assist this harvest transition.

Cayce’s readings did their part to set the stage for the metaphysical knowledge that needed to be in place on Earth in order for us to be better prepared for Ascension, both consciously and subconsciously. This knowledge included the idea of reincarnation, both individually and in civilizations such as Atlantis. It was also important for Cayce’s readings to give us a very large part of the Ra-Ta / Ascension puzzle:

(1) The announcement of the existence of a Solar Cycle,
(2) The historical timelines for this Cycle;
(3) The idea of an octave of dimensions;
(4) The idea of a Global Grid geometry;
(5) The fact that the cycle concludes with Earth Changes and Ascension.

The last point in the list, point five, explains why Cayce’s readings drew special attention to the time period between 1998 and 2001. The prophecies suggested that at some point within this time window, there could be both major Earth Changes and what they called the Second Coming of Christ. If we study their deepest interpretation of this Second Coming in the readings, we realize that it is identical to the notion of Ascension; namely, that each person who has followed the basic truth of service to others will complete the “Christ Pattern.” Symbolically speaking, completing this pattern involves crucifixion and Ascension. What is crucified is the will of the Ego, so that the person then accepts the idea of “Not my will, O Father, but Thy will be done.” The Ascension of personal spiritual transformation comes after this choice is firmly made. Therefore, once we are able to accept God’s will, which is to “feed my sheep” or to “love thy neighbor as thyself,” we have understood what our real purpose is here on Earth. Regardless of who you are or what religion you espouse, (or even if you support any religion at all,) the final truth of your purpose for incarnation on Earth is to make a choice as to whether you will serve others or serve self. In order to be “Ascension Compatible” we must become 51-percent or more motivated towards service to others, and this is enough of a difficult step for many people that the majority of incarnate entities on Earth will not Ascend, at least not in the first major “vortex” of Ascension. If we do “make” the first vortex, we will never have to see any of the mega-Earth Changes while incarnate within the physical plane.

6. Astrological Connections

David Wilcock was born exactly 96 years after Cayce, which makes both of them fall under the Year of the Ox in the Chinese zodiac. (1973-1877= 96, and 96 / 8= 12.) Since there are 12 signs in the Zodiac, this is a one out of 12 chance. Wilcock was born on March 8; only five days away from Cayce’s birthday on March 13. (Both are Pisces.) This is a one out of 73 chance (365 / 5= 73.). Wilcock’s exact time of birth, 11:16 p.m. in Schenectady, New York, puts the Moon in a practically identical position to Cayce’s Moon, at 28 minutes of one degree, or roughly one half degree. This alone is a one in 720 chance (360 deg. x 2). Then you must factor that against the likelihood of them being born within five days of each other, and in the same year of the zodiac (365 / 5= 73; 720 x 73= 52,560; 52,560 x 12= 630,720.) This makes both Wilcock and Cayce an Ox / Pisces with a Moon in Taurus, which is a one in 630,720 chance.

Remarkably, all the inner planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) are positioned so closely to each other in the two charts that their average variance is only 7 degrees 43 minutes out of the potential 360 degrees. This is quite unbelievable and adds tremendous strength to the case. The “hologram” of Cayce’s Ego personality was completely preserved.

The remaining large outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are all in very tight aspects to each other in their corresponding positions on the two charts (Jupiter 30 degrees, Uranus 60 degrees, Saturn 90 degrees, Neptune 150 degrees.) The average deviation from being exact among these aspects is only 2 degrees 18 minutes! This shows that although the two entities are closely related, they have very different missions on the planet.

Cayce’s Pluto turns out to be in direct opposition, 180 degrees apart, from the point where the sun rises in Wilcock’s chart, known as the Ascendant. The difference is only 1 degree, 22 minutes, again a very strong connection. Also, Wilcock’s Pluto is 1 degree, 23 minutes away from being precisely 90 degrees offset from Cayce’s Jupiter. (Notice that both variances in these Pluto aspects are only one minute of a degree different from each other – 1′ 22″ and 1′ 23″.) This does indicate some friction between the two incarnations, as astrologers consider these aspects harsh.

Lastly, the vertices or “balancing points” between the two charts are in a very tight 180-degree opposition. And so, we have to conclude that from a sheer astrological perspective, combined with what we understand from the Cayce Readings about reincarnation, the probability of all these connections being merely happenstance or coincidence is almost impossible. Contrary arguments can be made, but facts are facts. Wilcock can prove the date, place and time of his birth with his birth certificate, and the rest is self-evident to anyone who looks at the astrology.

For two more detailed analysis of Cayce’s and Wilcock’s natal charts, read this article and this article.
