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1. Introduction to the Higher Self and the NDE
The concept of the “Higher Self” often comes up in discussions about near-death experiences (NDEs), particularly within spiritual or metaphysical frameworks. The Higher Self is typically understood as a transcendent, wiser, and more authentic aspect of a person’s consciousness (an “avatar“) beyond the ego or everyday personality. It’s seen as a connection to a greater universal awareness or divine essence, guiding individuals toward purpose, insight, or unity. NDErs often meet a Being of Light who feels profoundly familiar yet all-knowing which is an encounter with their Higher Self – a version of their consciousness unbound by physical limitations. Whether it’s described as a soul, spirit, or Higher Self, the common thread is a sense of returning to something eternal within oneself. Different traditions frame it uniquely: in mysticism, it’s the “divine spark;” in psychology, it echoes Carl Jung’s concept of the Self as the integrated totality of the psyche. NDEs, then, are a rare glimpse into this layer of being – temporary death as a doorway to what’s always there, just out of reach in normal life.
2. Extraordinary NDE Examples of the Higher Self
a. Mellen-Thomas Benedict’s Higher Self Experience
“As the Light revealed itself to me, I became aware that what I was really seeing was our Higher Self matrix. The only thing I can tell you is that it turned into a matrix, a mandala of human souls, and what I saw was that what we call our Higher Self in each of us is a matrix. It’s also a conduit to the Source; each one of us comes directly, as a direct experience from the Source. We all have a Higher Self, or an oversoul part of our being. It revealed itself to me in its truest energy form. The only way I can really describe it is that the being of the Higher Self is more like a conduit. It did not look like that, but it is a direct connection to the Source that each and every one of us has. We are directly connected to the Source.
“So the Light was showing me the Higher Self matrix. And it became very clear to me that all the Higher Selves are connected as one being, all humans are connected as one being, we are actually the same being, different aspects of the same being. It was not committed to one particular religion. So that is what was being fed back to me. And I saw this mandala of human souls. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I just went into it and, it was just overwhelming. It was like all the love you’ve every wanted, and it was the kind of love that cures, heals, regenerates.
“As I asked the Light to keep explaining, I understood what the Higher Self matrix is. We have a grid around the planet where all the Higher Selves are connected. This is like a great company, a next subtle level of energy around us, the spirit level, you might say. Then, after a couple of minutes, I asked for more clarification. I really wanted to know what the universe is about, and I was ready to go at that time. I said “I am ready, take me.” Then the Light turned into the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen: a mandala of human souls on this planet.” (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)
b. Linda Stewart’s Higher Self Experience
“From the limited understanding of my human mind, I struggled to comprehend the meaning of what I saw. I knew the lights were connected to the individual people, although more of them, than with them, almost as if they were an extension of their existence – a light connection to an aspect of their Higher Self. The lights, a connection to the humans, which were glinting off the beings were so bright and expansive, they interconnected, forming a sort of light grid. I remembered reports in books on the near-death experience of people seeing grids on the other side that they didn’t know how to explain.
“As I looked at the network of light before me and felt the immense outpouring of love coming from the beings, I realized the connection of human beings to the Beings of Light was through love and that the love itself was connected through this grid.
“The metaphor represented by the image I saw and perceived was absolutely clear and I was overwhelmed with the knowledge that WE ARE ALL ONE. I comprehended that our oneness is interconnected by love and is an available, much higher level, and means of communication than we normally use but to which we have access. This love is available to anyone who is willing to do the hard spiritual work that will allow us to open our hearts and minds and eyes to Spirit. I remembered the love I had felt in the presence of God and experienced a total sense of love for all existence as an interconnected oneness and a manifestation of God.” (Linda Stewart)
c. Jan Price’s Higher Self Experience
“Now, before me, shimmering, iridescent light began to take a particular shape. A woman of breathtaking beauty appeared as I watched in awe, and even after the full materialization from pure light to visible, substantial form was complete, nothing was static. I continued to see a “quivering” of her structure, as though looking at a fluid, rippled reflection in a pond. Her movements were of pure grace as she positioned herself directly in front of me. Her hair was dark, her face pale, yet with color.
“’Look into my eyes,’ she said with a gentle but commanding smile. As I did, I felt myself being absorbed. I was no longer just the entity I knew of as me, but more, so much more. The eyes I stared into were mine, the eyes of my soul. In deep humility I accepted that which I was shown. ‘Oh my, I am all of that – so beautiful, glorious, wise, loving, kind, powerful. I didn’t know. I had no idea.’
“As though looking into a kaleidoscope, I saw myriad lifetimes and experiences. Oh, the wonder of me. This powerful creative energy could take on any form it chose, and right now it was expressing as a woman called Jan, so of course I would perceive it as feminine. Words from beyond my own thought processes began to pour into my mind.
“’You have been only casually thankful for your gift of life. Be thankful each day for this great gift. Most people go through life never really appreciating it. The purpose of life is joy, and with spiritual understanding the physical senses are enhanced. Savor fully the loveliness of each experience. Self-awareness is the prayer of the heart, and to pray without ceasing is to play. Play with the joyful abandon of the child, absorbed in the delight of each moment. Let go of obligation and duty, and live for the pure joy of being.
“’Teach liberation. Fun and laughter are contagious, exposing all in their radius to the prosperous condition of happiness. Do what you really want to do. Follow the desires of your heart, and your blithe spirit will infect others. As you free yourself, your deeds and words will inspire others to break through the prison bars that have kept them from fulfillment. There is so much joy, so much good. Embrace it and express it, radiate and luxuriate in it.’
“’Take my hands,’ she said, and the sound of the voice was like music. As we made the connection, waves of ecstasy washed through me, and I took on the fullness of this magnificent being that I am an extension of. No longer was I observing this shimmering radiance. I was it. The glory I had in the beginning, I thought, I have now and ever will have. Complete in my individuality, I understood the old admonition “Know thyself.” (Jan Price)
d. Kevin Williams’ Higher Self NDE Research
According to near-death studies, psychology and the mystical traditions, there are three dimensions of human awareness which are: (1) the “conscious” mind – also known as the personality, the “id“, the self-consciousness, physical awareness; (2) the “subconscious” mind – also known as the “unconscious psyche“, the “astral body“, the “dreaming” mind, the “soul“, the “ego“; and (3) the “superconscious” mind – also known as the “spirit“, the “collective unconscious“, the “Higher Self“, the “Holy Spirit“, the “super-ego“. Accordingly, we are multi-dimensional beings existing simultaneously in a multi-dimensional reality. (Kevin Williams)
At death, we shed our physical body and become a soul body – the “vehicle” for our spirit. At this point, we are like a “spirit within a spirit” – or more precisely – a spirit within a soul. Once we attain the highest level of consciousness, into the Wholeness of the One (God), our soul body is “absorbed” into the light and we become pure spirit – our Higher Self – who we REALLY are in the spirit realms. (Kevin Williams)
e. Edgar Cayce on the Higher Self
According to Edgar Cayce, through a person’s Higher Self of unconditional love (the manifestation of God) a person can attain at-onement with the divine nature within. This Higher Self is the Spirit of self-sacrifice, self-denial, selflessness, self-effacing, self-discipline, self-control, self-restraint, self-respect — the divine self which is a part of God and wars against the lower self. (Edgar Cayce)
“Remember, too, that thoughts are deeds in the mental realm, and they increase or mar the activities of the Higher Self.” (Edgar Cayce)
According to Edgar Cayce, circular geometric images represent our Higher Self and the circle itself is a mandala representing the divine. (Edgar Cayce)
According to Cayce scholar Henry Reed‘s book entitled “Edgar Cayce on Channeling Your Higher Self,” which describes Cayce’s afterlife journeys, Cayce said he would feel himself to be like a bubble traveling through water to arrive at the place where he always got the information – the Hall of Records in heaven. (Edgar Cayce)
After all the Soul Realms have been fully experienced and all the lessons have been fully learned and the proper level of soul growth has been attained, the soul can move on to Spirit Realms around the spiritual universe. Some NDE experiencers have met their “Higher Self” in this realm. (Edgar Cayce)
The Biblical “war in heaven” between God and “the devil” is the symbolic religious description of the real spiritual struggle within all humans between their lower animal nature and their higher spirit nature. Our Higher Self – our spirit – is one with (or “a part of” but also “is”) the “Universal Consciousness” which people think of as “God.” (Edgar Cayce)
According to Edgar Cayce, while we dream, we can become aware of our entire being — physically, mentally, and spiritually. The Cayce material shows that dreams are the easiest and most natural way for us to contact our inner, Higher Self. Dreams are also experiences with our very soul – our subconscious mind. (Edgar Cayce)
3. Miscellaneous NDE Examples of the Higher Self
“I do not feel nearly as afraid of death. It seems like death will be an opportunity to be joined again with all Beings in a state of merging our individual selves. No need to fear that. It is wonderful! I will continue to develop my Higher Self and realize that is what is ‘real.’” (Kathryn H.)
“I had gone through a complete transformation and transmutation of the previous self into birthing a new HIgher Self. I was bringing with it an immediate awakening into the ‘knowing’ of Universal Truths and the Reality of Supreme Self… I received a downpour of higher Truths and realizing its Higher Self from having merged in Oneness with It.” (Mira S.)
“I would not call it ‘God,’ that’s pretentious. I don’t know what it/he was. A Higher Self? An angel? An ET? Myself in the future?” (Abby Jo O.)
“I still don’t believe in any particular religion; however this has strengthened my belief in spirituality, and my faith in the afterlife, and the power of our own Higher Self (soul)… My higher self/soul/spirit/connection to all that is, whatever you want to call it, that part of me had decided to continue to live through this body.” (Anita Moorjani)
In his NDE book, “A Night in Heaven,” Albert Haust describes his night in heaven experience and other experiences that helped him grow spiritually. He made contact with his Higher Self and spirit guidance. He found that spiritual growth isn’t about overcoming the “supposed” illusion of an individual self, but rather about becoming a soul who is able to live according to unconditional love. (Albert Haust)
“Relevant to my NDE and time spent with the light and my Higher Self. My NDE was without doubt, the most incredible and transformative experience of my life. I have never forgotten a single moment of it and doubt I ever will.” (Rachel F.)
“When I was out of my body. I was a child when it happened but I feel as if I experienced my ‘Higher Self'” (Sandra C.)
“I saw my Higher Self standing behind the two of them with my son’s Higher Self standing in front of me. We were both dressed in monk-type robes, mine being darker than his.” (John K.)
As Carl Jung reflected on life after death, he recalled the meditating Hindu from his near-death experience and read it as a parable of the archetypal Higher Self, the God-image within. (Carl Jung)
“In this rapturous place, I recognized that there were two aspects of ‘me.’ My soul was my consciousness, everything that had made me who I had been and what I had become. My spirit, on the other hand, was the part of me that was now transparent and glowing, dressed in white.” (Dr. Dianne Morrissey)
“Dreams are our connection to where we came from and where we will return. It is where our Higher Self (spirit) can communicate with our subconscious mind (soul) in the language of dream symbols which the soul can understand even though the conscious mind may not.” (Darlene Holman)
“In NDE and reincarnation studies, a person’s spirit is their immortal, eternal part of God, also known as the ‘Higher Self,’ the ‘higher consciousness,’ or ‘Holy Spirit’ when enlightened. A person’s soul is a mental body and contains memories of a person’s experience of a single lifetime on Earth which is a single ‘expression’ of the spirit — much like the single facet of a diamond.” (Kevin Williams)
Tibetan Buddhist teachings stress that by recognizing yourself as the Clear Light after death, you will attain liberation from the cycle of reincarnation. Many near-death experiencers are convinced the Being of Light is their Higher Self. This is certainly in agreement with the Tibetan teachings. (Lingza Chokyi)
Christian Gnostics felt that initiation into the Cosmic Christ gnosis is inseparable from “the light which lighteth every person coming into the world.” It is this light within, our Higher Self, which each individual must bring to at-onement with the divine Source if liberation is to occur. Christian Gnostics seek to achieve this by cultivating the Higher Self within people to seek reunification with the Godhead. (Christian Gnosticism)
“So, now you are there in front of the Creator, and you might well see your Higher Self. You will then go through a life review. You do this in the light of the love of the Creator. In this love, you see all you have done wrong and right and the effects of it and you are unafraid because the Creator’s love is there.” (Brian Krebs)
“Your Higher Self incarnated because as a sensate, embodied being you can have experiences your spirit alone cannot.” (Cami R.)
“As I was shown around, it was explained to me how most of our celestial, eternal knowledge is blanked-out during our chosen life spans on Earth. We must temporarily forget most of what our Higher Self already knows so we can immerse ourselves in the roles we have chosen to play.” (Duane Smith)
“Our destiny is not only to come to know and rise above our human side, but, by following his example of dying to self, to come to know and activate, or bring to life, our spiritual side, which he (Jesus) showed was in every man, woman, and child. He showed us how to die to self and how to rise from the dead and ascend into our Higher Self, life.” (Dr. George Ritchie)
“God always sees us as our Higher Selves… We each act according to our heart (or developed Soul center) and as we mature Spiritually, we come up higher each time.” (Christian Anderson)
“Our goal, as near as I can tell, is to link more with that perfect part of us, that Higher Self, True Self, that is still connected to God in the sense that it never separated from The Godhead, and to do this while alive and actively engaged with our fellows.” (Sandy Lemke)
“Between lives, with the great knowledge of our Higher Selves, we choose the next life we are going to live and how much karma we are going to meet and settle. For example, if we abused animals or people in one life, our Higher Selves would probably urge us to reincarnate into a situation where we would get abused to make us realize the misery we caused others.” (Arthur Yensen)
“Finding words to express my gratitude… to my Higher Self who met God and Angels and agreed to return to serve… is challenging because saying just thank you seems so inadequate.” (Maureen K.)
“To think, I possibly lied to or tried to mislead Jesus or our Higher Self, knowing those eyes were not only looking at me but seemingly right through me and into the depths of my soul. Yes, I do believe it was Jesus or our Higher Self as I have come to understand.” (Leonard R.)
“My past flashed before me, out of my control This is again qualified. I was shown, maybe by my Higher Self, things I had done and left undone in my life… I knew my life would be based only on love from that time forward, that Life is all about learning to love one another unconditionally, and forgiveness, understanding, and abandoning the rat race to pile up material wealth.” (Martine)
“I know without a doubt that God is greater than any prince or princess we put on a pedestal. No man has the right to my Higher Self: that is between me and God.” (Dolly M.)
“I think that every soul has a Higher Self that keeps us in kilter with our current dimension.” (J. R.)
“I was floating in the Void/Darkness prior to my ‘Higher Self experience,’ as I like to call it.” (Leonardo)
“[I experienced] more consciousness and alertness than normal. It was like my Higher Self was speaking.” (Andy C.)
“I believe we create our own reality, that we have helpers to help us, that we have inner and Higher Selves, that there is nothing more important than our personal relationship with everything we encounter.” (Sharon V.)
4. The Human Being as an Avatar of Their Higher Self
According to Wikipedia, an “avatar” is a concept within Hinduism that in Sanskrit literally means “descent” and signifies the physical appearance or incarnation of a deity, or spirit on Earth. Incarnation concepts that are in some aspects similar to avatar are also found in Buddhism, Christianity, and other religions.
Out-of-body experience (OBE) expert Jurgen Ziewe explained why we and our loved ones do not disappear from heaven when they reincarnate. Human beings are avatars of their Higher Self which remains in heaven while we are alive on Earth. (Jurgen Ziewe)
Carl Jung encountered his living doctor’s “Higher Self” in heaven during his NDE where he told Jung to return to life. Jung referred to his doctor as an “avatar” of the doctor’s “primal form” or Higher Self. Another such case is the NDE of an orthodox Jew whose living rabbi’s “soul” in heaven told her to return to life. This phenomena is the reason why living people are sometimes seen in heaven during NDEs. In such cases, the NDEr is in contact with the living person’s spirit or Higher Self. During Dr. Dianne Morrissey’s NDE, she saw all three of her bodies at the same time. She saw (1) her dead physical body, (2) her soul body which was her “NDE body”, and (3) her spirit body or “Higher Self” which she saw lying asleep in a bed in heaven. Because reality is multi-dimensional, humans are multi-dimensional as well – body, soul, and spirit. *(Kevin Williams)
After her NDE, Lynnclaire Dennis would have recurring dreams of a “Circle of Twelve Elders” one of whom is Asian and who’s “avatar” is currently living on Earth. In 1996, Lynnclaire visited China at the invitation of a scientist named Steve Bryson and within hours of arriving there, she was introduced to a man whom she recognized as the Asian elder. As a result, Lynnclaire worked with The Gorbachev Foundation and found doors opening to diplomatic circles in many countries. (Lynnclaire Dennis)
Concerning premortal existence: “I don’t remember if he told me, or if I just remembered, because I had a lot of clarity there at the time. I knew about our existence, but also knew that THAT was the reality. I knew that life on Earth was like playing with an avatar, but had so much importance for experience.” (Emily W.)
“We are all avatars in Mind-At-Large’s Universal dream experiencing that dream from a perspective of ignorance of who and what we really are. Universal Consciousness is the Ontological Primitive and there is no other!” (Terence M.)
5. NDE Aftereffects of Higher Self
“For a while, I seemed to see the ‘Higher Self’ in others, no matter what they said or did. Then after a while, this faded away.” (Khadija H.)
“I am able to connect with my Higher Self and actually feel everything around me. I can also be speaking with someone and connect with their Higher Self and feel their pain, loss, Happiness etc.” (Gregory K.)
“I am more sensitive in understanding people, I can feel a total connection with God and deceased loved ones, I can ‘tune in’ faster with God, deceased loved ones my Higher Self and others Higher Selves . I can ask for permission to help someone from Higher Self to Higher Self.” (Eduardo O.)
“I had an instant connection to people’s ‘Higher Selves’ (Spirit) when they got within three feet of me. I instantly knew many of the teachings that were published years later.” (Stephen C.)
“When I have these moments, believing my head and neck are in the heavenly realm, sometimes I write; sometimes I ask questions and write down answers coming from what some would call my Higher Self.” (Heather V.)
“During this entire experience, I also felt the presence of my ‘Higher Self’. I can’t really put this part into words, except to say that I have felt connected to this same Higher Self during different times in my life when I have felt truly been loving and connecting with others.” (Cate)
“I spend time in meditation connecting to my Higher Self and the divine consciousness. I accept every religion and belief as a road to return. I live without judgments and accept everyone without separation.” (Erika K.)
6. Conclusion
NDEs offer a profound lens through which to explore the concept of the Higher Self, revealing it as a timeless, unifying aspect of human consciousness that transcends cultural, religious, and psychological boundaries. Across the diverse accounts – from Mellen-Thomas Benedict’s vision of a interconnected matrix of souls to Jan Price’s encounter with her own radiant essence – the Higher Self emerges as a conduit to the divine, a reflection of universal love, and a source of infinite wisdom. These experiences suggest that what we perceive as our individual identity is but an avatar, a temporary expression of a greater, eternal consciousness that remains ever-present, whether in life, death, or beyond.
The narratives of NDErs like Linda Stewart and Edgar Cayce’s insights underscore a shared revelation: the Higher Self is not an abstract ideal but a tangible reality, accessible through love, self-awareness, and spiritual openness. It manifests as a Being of Light, a grid of interconnected souls, or a personal guide, consistently pointing to the oneness of all existence. This oneness, articulated vividly in the mandalas of light and the overwhelming love described by experiencers, challenges the illusion of separation, affirming that we are both unique and inseparable from the whole.
Moreover, the aftereffects of these encounters – heightened empathy, a deeper connection to others’ Higher Selves, and a reorientation toward joy and purpose – demonstrate the transformative power of glimpsing this higher dimension of being. Whether framed through Jung’s archetype of the Self, Cayce’s divine spark, or the Tibetan Clear Light, the Higher Self in NDEs serves as a bridge between the human and the infinite, inviting us to live with greater authenticity and unity. Ultimately, these stories suggest that death is not an end but a reunion with who we truly are – a boundless, luminous essence that persists beyond the physical, guiding us toward liberation and love.