Home > Experiences Mihbond’s Out-of-Body Experience

Mihbond’s Out-of-Body Experience

The following is Mihbond’s OBE testimony sent to Kevin Williams by email in his own words.


A few years ago, when I was 11, I had an out-of-body experience. I went to sleep. My dad was already asleep next to me, and I closed my eyes. I didn’t think of anything. I started rising out of my physical body. When I left it, I was happy because I left all the problems of the Earth, mental and physical, and nobody could hurt me physically or mentally. I knew I could go through the walls.

I saw a white sun above me, two feet above me. The sun was six inches thick with rays that were two inches thick. I knew that this PURE WHITE Sun was from God the Father. I saw the world as in a physical form, but it was lit up, illuminated, but not to the point of blinding light. The world was a bit brighter, from that WHITE Sun. I looked at my physical body, and it did not mean anything to me. I was actually scared of it.

I knew that before I would meet God, I would have to feel all the bad things I had made people feel, every thought and action. Also, I knew I would meet a person who used to live on the Earth, and I knew he would tell me how great the Kingdom of God would be.

I was rising, slower as a man walking. I started getting afraid because I wasn’t rising by my own power, but by someone else’s. I was not sure who though. Right then, just before I started the emotion of being afraid, Jesus Christ said, “Don’t be afraid.” Then I was happy again.

I was rising and being happy, until I suddenly stopped rising. I was getting ready to be confused, before I “felt” God the Father say, “No! You are not allowed to go yet. You have a purpose in your life and your father needs you.” I knew God meant my dad who was sleeping next to me.

Then I started rising down, much faster than when I was rising up. I was sad because I had to go back to all the problems of the Earth.

I was back in my physical body. It did not hurt when I left my physical body or when I entered it. I was getting ready to be afraid as never before in my whole life. I was getting ready to scream to my dad sleeping next to me, and for eternity on Earth, because I was so afraid. Then suddenly I “felt” God the Father say, “Don’t be afraid. Go to sleep.” I had to go to sleep. I had to do what God told me. I couldn’t imagine not doing what he told me. So, I closed my eyelids and I fell asleep. The next morning I felt amazing. I felt energetic. I felt great.

As time went by, I asked questions about life, and I instantaneously received answers. Here is what God told me:

Everyone has had past lives on Earth.

The more you suffer in life, the greater your reward will be in your next life.

The better a person you have been in life, the greater your reward will be in your next life.

When we die, we meet God the Father (a White Oval Spirit) and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is on the left and God the Father on the right from our view.

Before we stand before Jesus and God, a spirit who has kept a record of our life gives that record to God and Jesus. When we meet that spirit he says, “I have been waiting for you.” When we meet God and Jesus, Jesus says, “We have been expecting you.” Jesus is in his physical body wearing a red robe.

When we pick our next life, we meet with God the Father and pick our eye color, height, parents, EVERYTHING! But if we haven’t been good enough in our previous life, we are unable to make this choice. God chooses for us, which is why we face difficulties on Earth. But if we are able to choose our next life, we can ask God whether or not we can be a spirit and wander and fly upon the Earth. God then allows us to have a certain amount of time to do so.

The instant a good person dies and leaves their physical body, they become automatically good and believe that God is real.

When we pick our next life, God lets us know He is real. That is when we have exercised our own free-will.

Sometimes when people die, they become a spirit working with another angel helping someone on Earth from a bad situation, for example, a serious disease. This allows the spirit to learn the meaning of brotherhood by working together.

Good things come out of bad things. For example, let’s say a man’s family is killed by a tornado. His house is destroyed and the man becomes depressed and angry at life. He becomes desperate and prays. And God speaks to him. Then the man becomes happy because he now realizes God is actually real. He realizes it took the death of his family, the loss of his house, his depression and anger, to discover the reality of God and true happiness.

God does miracles in physical form. For example, if you pray to God for a person to find happiness, God will change the minds of the people around that person to love that person.

We all have guardian angels. When we are faced with a problem, such as a disease, God becomes aware of what is happening and we are helped by our guardian angels. But depending upon our karma from our previous life, God may heal our disease or allow us to return to spirit.

After we choose our next life, God tells us EVERYTHING that will happen in our life, every action and event and emotion. However, we are not sad about hearing the bad things that will happen because God is at our side! If God tells us we are destined to smile at a person when we are 82 years old, for example, but we will also have a heart attack at the age of 42, WE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO DIE. We can have every disease there is on Earth; but we still will not die. We are still destined to give a smile to that person when we are 82 years old.

God’s actions always lead to good effects. If we regret the bad things we did with all our heart, we’re not going to be held accountable for it. If we want to help someone, but that person gets mad and believes we only want to hurt them, we will not get blamed for that. But if we want to hurt someone, but instead we make that person happy, we will not get a reward for that.

There is no such thing as devils.

It takes 0-4 hours for most spirits to reach God. Really bad spirits take 4-8 hours to reach God. The better we are, the faster we rise to God to pick our next life. The worse a person is, the slower they rise to pick their next life. If we have been extremely bad, we are not allowed to come back to Earth.

The Earth is the only place for God to see whether we want to go to heaven or to hell.

God is able to forget all the bad things we have done, through Jesus Christ.

What I told you God told me himself. No one told me what I wrote here, only God did.

Mihbond, mihbond@ameritech.net
